NIPNLG-NITA “Advocacy in Immigration Matters” Training 2025


  • $500.00  -  Non-profit Attorney or Fully Accredited Representative (NIPNLG Member)
  • $750.00  -  Non-profit Attorney or Fully Accredited Representative (Non-NIPNLG Member)
  • $750.00  -  Law School Faculty & Private Attorneys (NIPNLG Members ONLY)


National Immigration Project & National Institute for Trial Advocacy

“Advocacy in Immigration Matters” Training

June 4 - 6, 2025

Application Deadline is Friday March 21, 2025 at 5PM ET

The National Immigration Project is pleased to continue its partnership with the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) to offer a four-day skills training for immigration court advocates. This training is ideal for immigrant defenders who have some court experience and want to improve their skills through an intensive experiential experience with meaningful feedback from experienced practitioners, including retired Immigration Judges.  

What skills will the program cover?

  • Case analysis
  • Direct examination
  • Accrediting the proposed expert witness
  • Getting the expert’s opinion
  • Responding to DHS objections
  • Making objections
  • Re-Direct examination
  • Cross-Examination of DHS witnesses
  • Closing argument

What does the program encompass?

  • Friday, May 17, 2025, from 12-2 PM ET: A 2-hour Zoom session on case analysis 
  • Wednesday, June 4, 2025 through Friday, June 6, 2025, from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM ET each day: Court skills training 

Where is the program?

In Baltimore, Maryland! Otherwise known as Charm City. At the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law located at 500 W Baltimore St, Baltimore, MD 21201.

What are the accommodation options?

You may choose from many hotels within walking distance to the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. We will secure a block of rooms at a hotel within walking distance to the law school. Stay tuned for updates on this!

What are the preparation expectations?

Prior to court skills program starting on May 17th, selected participants are expected to:

  • View a series of recorded NITA videos on trial skills,
  • Review training materials, including the asylum case file, and
  • Complete a case analysis exercise.

Selected participants should expect to spend approximately 10 hours preparing for the program. Please consider and be realistic about this time commitment— for both preparation for the program and the program itself— before applying.

How do I apply and when is the deadline?

To apply, please complete the application form found- HERE.

Applications are due on Friday, March 21, 2025 at 5PM ET. 

How will NIPNLG select the participants?

Private attorneys and law school faculty members will be considered ONLY if they are National Immigration Project members. Attorneys or fully accredited representatives working full-time at a non-profit regardless of National Immigration Project  membership are eligible to apply. The National Immigration Project will also prioritize diversity, as well as applicants with scheduled individual hearings.

When will I find out about the status of my application?

The National Immigration Project will inform applicants of their status by 5PM ET on Monday, March 24th. 

How do I register if I am selected?

If the application is approved, the applicant must submit the relevant registration fee to the National Immigration Project and affirm their understanding of the strict attendance expectations by 12PM ET on Friday, April 4. Failure to complete these requirements by Friday, April 4 at 12:00 PM ET will result in the selected participant forfeiting their spot in this training.

I need to cancel after registering.

If you cancel after registering, we cannot refund the registration unless someone from the waitlist is willing to take your place.  

What are the attendance requirements?

In addition to being present live for the 2-hour case analysis session from 12-2PM ET on May 16th, selected participants are expected to be present for the entire court skills program from Wednesday, June 4 through Friday, June 6, 2025. Selected participants should plan to arrive on time every day. Selected participants should not plan to leave before the program ends around 5:00PM on Friday. Selected participants should be mentally present during all aspects of the program, which includes answering email and taking calls during breaks only. 

Why are the attendance requirements so strict?

This program is likely unlike any other training you have experienced so this is a valid question. There are a few reasons for the strict attendance expectations. First, NITA will seek CLE credit on your behalf so long as you attend every aspect of the program. That is, NITA cannot seek partial CLE credit. Second, you are assigned to a small group of participants for the skills workshops and any changes to the small group participant number will impact the schedule timing. Third, this program builds on prior lessons so, if you miss one lesson, your learning and skills will be incomplete as you move forward.

I am an attorney. Will I get CLE credit for this training?

Yes. Also noted above, NITA will seek CLE credit on your behalf. NIPNLG will collect your bar number and the state where you are licensed and will provide that information to NITA. The number of approved CLE credits will depend on the schedule, but past participants have received approximately 15 CLE credits for similar in-person programs. 

This program sounds intensive. Is it worth it? 

This is indeed an intensive program, but it is extremely rewarding, provided you put in the time and effort. As one past participant put it;

“I have had a few trials since [the NITA-NIPLG court skills training], and the training was invaluable in prepping for them….I think I would have been drowning if not for this program. But instead, I think I felt confident enough, which I think was helpful for my clients, and I think we got out the testimony we needed in both cases.”